Six Questions You Should Be Asking Yourself Before Buying New Clothes

Making clothing choices is a fascinating process that combines personal taste, practicality, and sustainability. While the allure of a shopping spree might sometimes be irresistible, buying on a whim frequently leads to unworn clothes and a cluttered closet.

We believe that it's important to approach clothing purchases with a discerning eye and an understanding of what you truly need.

In order to live and buy more thoughtful and sustainable we have a few tips for you. Before you buy a new piece of clothing, ask yourself these questions.

How often will I wear it? 


When standing in front of a tempting new garment, consider its usage realistically. If it's an item you'll wear only once or twice, it might not be worth the investment.

Consider the cost-per-wear concept:

If you wear an item multiple times, its cost in terms of usage decreases. An AED 300 shirt worn 100 times will cost only AED 3 per wear, a much wiser investment than an AED150 dress worn twice.

How can I combine it with my existing wardrobe?


How easily will the potential new garment will fit into your existing wardrobe. Can you think of at least three outfit ideas off the top of your head?

If the piece is difficult to match or clashes with what you already have, you might end up not wearing it. Aim for flexibility and synergy in your wardrobe, with pieces that can be mixed and matched in various ways.

Is it a microtrend, or a versatile staple?


While there's nothing wrong with embracing trends, it's crucial to differentiate between a fleeting fad and a versatile classic. Microtrends often disappear as quickly as they come, rendering the associated items 'outdated.'

Make sure to determine if the item is a timeless style piece or a passing trend that may not bring long-term satisfaction.

Is it made from good quality and natural material?


Fabric plays an important role in the longevity and sustainability of clothing.

Synthetic materials like rayon or polyester might look appealing initially, but they often degrade quickly with wash and wear. More importantly, synthetic fabrics are not bio-degradable and contribute significantly to environmental pollution.

Instead, seek out sustainably-made clothing of good quality and natural materials like organic cotton, Tencel or Cupro.

Remember to check into the brand's sustainability claims to ensure that they align with sustainable and eco-friendly standards.

Do I already own something similar?


We all have favourite styles and colours that we naturally gravitate towards, but owning too many similar items can result in a monotonous wardrobe.

Here, the 'one-in, one-out' rule can promote a balanced wardrobe. If the new item is replacing an existing piece, it can be a justifiable purchase. Otherwise, reflect on whether you truly need another similar piece.

Does it fit my lifestyle?


Finally, choose clothing that suits your lifestyle. If you work from home frequently or have an active, outdoor lifestyle, buying a closet full of formal wear might not make sense.

Think about where you spend most of your time and what outfits make you feel comfortable and confident in those environments.

Turning these questions into a checklist before shopping can help you make mindful, practical and sustainable fashion decisions.

Happy shopping!

For more styling videos, essential wardrobe tips and minimalistic living, make sure to check out our Lifestyle Section.

Make sure to tag @emiliaohrtmannofficial when you create your essential, confident style with any of our pieces!